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Sept. 11, 2023

The Highs and Lows of Being a Menswear Enthusiast

Welcome to a candid exploration of the intricate world of menswear. Now, you might be thinking, "Why shine a light on the not-so-glamorous aspects of being a menswear enthusiast?"

Well, my sartorial comrades, the truth is, even in the kingdom of impeccable tailoring and dapper accessories, not everything sparkles like a freshly shined pair of oxfords.

In today's podcast episode and blog post, we're taking a small break from only singing menswear's praises, as I usually do, to dive into the gritty details that often lurk beneath the surface of our finely crafted wardrobes.

You see, while being a menswear aficionado is undeniably delightful, it's not all sunshine and bespoke rainbows.

We're about to embark on a sartorial rollercoaster, exploring five aspects that I absolutely adore about being a menswear enthusiast.

But, just as a well-tailored suit has its inner lining, we'll also uncover five aspects that might have you nodding in solemn agreement.

So fasten your suspenders, my friends, because today, we're about to journey through the highs and lows of being a menswear enthusiast. Trust me; it's going to be a ride worth taking.


5 Reasons Why I Love Being A Menswear Enthusiast


Being a menswear enthusiast is like unlocking a hidden superpower - the undeniable boost in confidence that comes with knowing how to dress well. It's akin to donning a suit of armor, a simple piece of clothing that can make you feel invincible.

The age-old saying, "When you look good, you feel good," holds undeniable truth. Initially, the path to sartorial excellence might not be straightforward; it certainly wasn't for me.

However, once I grasped the art of dressing well, everything changed. Confidence surged, and success closely followed.

As I basked in newfound confidence, I noticed a ripple effect in other aspects of life. This transformation isn't unique to me; countless individuals who've embraced a stylish approach report similar experiences.

One viewer of my content shared how his income doubled after applying my fashion insights in his sales career. Another recounted wearing the exact outfit I wore in a video for a job interview, believing it played a role in his success.

Whether it was a direct influence or not, what matters is the surge in confidence that stylish attire brings.

In the world of menswear, this surge in confidence is just the tip of the well-tailored iceberg. It's the first, but certainly not the last, reason why being a menswear enthusiast is an enthralling journey worth every stylish step.


Exclusive Club

Reason number two to cherish the world of menswear is the sense of belonging to an exclusive club. It's no secret that a significant portion of the male population struggles with fashion.

In fact, I'd venture to say that at least 90% of guys lack a clue when it comes to getting dressed. Some simply don't care about fashion, while others believe they have the best style but miss the mark.

I've been in both those shoes at different points in my life, so I understand.

When you're a menswear enthusiast, it's as if you hold a well-guarded secret. You're among the select few who truly understand the art of dressing well.

It's a unique sensation that's hard to put into words. Among fellow enthusiasts, we don't need to exchange much dialogue. We spot each other effortlessly.

It could be the length of the collar points on a shirt, the choice of a fine tie, or the precise two-inch cuffs on trousers; these subtle cues tell us we're among our own.

A simple head nod suffices to acknowledge that we're part of this distinguished group, distinct from the majority of men who grapple with style. This exclusivity is the second compelling reason why I embrace the world of menswear.

Moreover, our distinctive attire sets us apart in any crowd. When you're part of this club, you inherently stand out from the rest. It's another facet of why being a menswear enthusiast is such an appealing proposition.


Earning Respect through Style

Reason number three highlights a significant perk of being a menswear enthusiast: the respect it commands. When you know how to dress well, people tend to treat you differently, often extending you the benefit of the doubt.

It's a reality of our world where appearances carry substantial weight. More often than not, individuals make judgments based on your outward appearance, without ever delving into your character beneath the surface.

I've lost count of the times when someone needed help or directions, and they'd stroll past other guys, only to approach me for assistance.

This unspoken acknowledgment that dressing well often equates to being a gentleman can be perplexing. In fact, it's a sentiment I challenge, as the podcast's title suggests.

Dressing impeccably should not be the sole criterion for labeling someone a gentleman.

It's a phenomenon I experienced firsthand, especially during travel. Once, dressed casually in a hoodie and sweatpants at the airport, I felt virtually invisible.

However, when I returned a few days later in a sharp suit after a meeting, the reactions from fellow travelers and staff did a complete 180. Suddenly, everyone seemed eager to engage in conversation and make acquaintances.

This transformation reaffirmed how people tend to judge solely based on appearances. It's an intriguing aspect of being a menswear enthusiast, and that's reason number three.


The Allure of Dressing Well

Reason number four delves into the intriguing realm of attraction. It might sound unbelievable, but being a menswear enthusiast can turn a few heads and leave a lasting impression, especially with the fairer sex.

While I do not capitalize on it now due to my marital status, I can attest to the fact that women often stop me on the street to offer compliments or inquire about where I shop, so they can find similar styles for their significant others.

It's a fascinating phenomenon because men, in general, tend to have more reserved egos. While some guys will appreciate a well-dressed man, they might not openly express it as frequently.

In contrast, women tend to be more vocal when they notice someone who stands out, either due to impeccable dressing or the unmistakable air of confidence that accompanies it.

The attention from women, whether driven by admiration or the belief that their partners could look just as dashing, underscores a valuable point.

If you're a single guy looking to make a memorable impression, dressing well can certainly enhance your chances. There's even a meme circulating that likens a man in a suit to a woman in lingerie in terms of its appeal.

While I won't vouch for the absolute accuracy of that comparison, it's out there in the ether. Regardless, it's undeniable that dressing confidently has a magnetic quality that catches people's attention, and that includes reason number four.


Timeless Elegance

Reason number five, the grand finale, is all about the everlasting allure of classic menswear. While the world of fashion constantly shifts like the sands of time, my focus remains steadfast on classic menswear.

This is the key distinction. Fashion is a moving target, ever-changing, but what I advocate for on this channel, this podcast, and in every facet of my presence, is classic menswear.

It's a world where the rules of style don't undergo drastic transformations every season. I never have to worry about my wardrobe becoming outdated by the time the next autumn or winter rolls around. My ties, suits, and shirts endure with timeless elegance.

I recently came across a post on Instagram from a friend who shared a video about sneakers that had fallen out of fashion. He noted how we, enthusiasts of classic menswear, are exempt from such concerns.

It resonated deeply with me because, indeed, we don't grapple with the same ephemeral trends. Similarly, a viewer on my YouTube channel pointed out how the clothing worn by Will Smith's character in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, while iconic, had aged considerably compared to the more timeless attire of Carlton.

This observation underscored the enduring quality of classic menswear, saving us from the cycle of constant renewal.

In essence, it's a field where our clothes remain relevant, saving both style and money in the long run. So, these are the five reasons why I hold classic menswear close to my heart.


5 Reasons Why I Hate Being A Menswear Enthusiast


Reason number one is the inescapable addiction that comes with the territory. Picture this: I've declared countless times, "This is it for me, no more shoes," and I genuinely believed it.

But here's the kicker - there's no such thing as 'too many' when it comes to looking sharp. It's an addiction that sneaks up on you.

My wife has often glanced at my growing collection and asked, "Don't you already have one like that?" And while technically, I might not, I get where she's coming from.

This addiction doesn't stop at shoes. It extends to every facet of menswear. Even watches, a more recent passion of mine, fall prey to this allure. Most of my watches are Vintage Seiko, and to the untrained eye, they may appear strikingly similar, often boasting white dials.

It's this insatiable craving for refinement that defines us menswear enthusiasts. We're never truly satisfied; there's always something more to acquire.

So, that's the first reason why I sometimes dislike being a part of this captivating world of menswear.


The Eternal Battle for Closet Space

Reason number two that grinds my gears as a menswear enthusiast is the ongoing skirmish for closet space. Now, residing in New York, you're probably aware that space here is more precious than gold.

Even in the suburban comfort I now enjoy, my 1908-built house provides closet dimensions reminiscent of a bygone era when folks owned a single outfit - exactly how my closet looks today.

Prior to my YouTube venture, my passion for clothing had already filled my storage to the brim. However, becoming a YouTuber took this issue to a whole new level.

Collaborations with brands meant an influx of free clothing, leaving me utterly perplexed about where to stow it all.

I'm one of those rare men who have been granted the master bedroom closet by their spouse. My wife, while not sharing my sartorial zeal, is incredibly understanding.

Even so, my clothing collection stretches the limits of even the most generous closet. In the past couple of years, my clothing acquisitions have dwindled, but my closet still bulges at the seams.

Thankfully, we have an unfinished basement, and my plan is to eventually transform it into an expansive wardrobe space.

For now, though, shoeboxes find their home under my bed, as my closet refuses to yield any more real estate, even to my beloved footwear.


Secrets and Covert Operations

Reason number three for my woes as a menswear enthusiast is the clandestine art of hiding stuff from your significant other.

Fortunately, I've been granted a reprieve from this covert operation since my wife now knows that the lion's share of my acquisitions arrives in exchange for reviews. However, this wasn't always the case.

I've heard tales of fellow fashion aficionados shipping their new attire to their workplace to keep it hidden from their spouses. Some even lamented the return to office work after the pandemic since it meant an end to their clandestine clothing purchases.

I can confess to this tactic myself; back in the day, before I was a YouTuber receiving a wardrobe gratis, I spent a pretty penny on clothing.

Occasionally, I'd have a package sent to my job, sneaking it into the house like a secret agent. Such is the life of a menswear enthusiast.

One of my guys even revealed that he maintains an entire wardrobe stash at his parents' house - a level of commitment I never dared to reach.

Yet, the struggle to hide your fashion splurges remains a real and relatable challenge for many of us, ranking as the third thing I despise about being a menswear enthusiast.


The Sartorial Time Sink

The fourth frustration in my life as a menswear enthusiast is spending more time preparing to step out than my wife does.

You wouldn't believe how often my wife and kids find themselves waiting in the car while I'm still inside.

It's not because I'm unsure about what to wear; usually, I'm already dressed. However, it's the seemingly minor details that demand my attention. Perhaps the dimple on my tie doesn't look just right, so I meticulously untie and redo it.

Or I'm pondering which cologne pairs best with the day's outfit. Sometimes, I swap shoes multiple times, ensuring they perfectly complement my attire. These deliberations often consume more time than the act of dressing itself.

Frankly, it feels absurd for a man to spend more time prepping than his wife. Yet, here I am, caught in the whirlwind of sartorial decisions.

It's a humorous and, at times, exasperating aspect of being a menswear enthusiast, marking the fourth item on my list of pet peeves.


The Curse of the Keen Eye

The fifth, and perhaps most vexing, aspect of being a menswear enthusiast is our insatiable attention to detail. It might sound trivial, but it's the kind of frustration that truly defines this passion.

We notice everything, to the point where it becomes nearly impossible to be fully present and enjoy a moment for what it is.

Once you're aware of the nuances of dressing well, it's as if your eyes are programmed to spot any fashion faux pas from a mile away.

During a recent guest appearance on a podcast, I pointed out how often people overlook the importance of shirt collar color.

Most guys don't pay attention to this detail, despite it being right under their faces. I explained how, for me, assessing a man's fashion sense can start with something as simple as his shirt collar.

It's knowledge I shared with the podcast host, and now she, too, will find herself scrutinizing shirt collars whenever she interacts with people as it can't be unseen once you're aware of it.

It's this compulsion to notice that's both a blessing and a curse for menswear enthusiasts.

This instinctive attention to detail infiltrates every aspect of life. Be it watching TV, attending an event, or even a wedding, we find ourselves analyzing outfits when we should be celebrating or enjoying the moment.

It's as if our brains have a mind of their own, constantly seeking out style choices that don't align with our standards.

It's a struggle we all face, unable to help but assess, critique, and, often involuntarily, reveal our thoughts through our expressions.

It's a double-edged sword, this ability to appreciate great style while also perpetually assessing it, and it rounds out my list of the things I hate about being a menswear enthusiast.


In the End, Love Wins

Being a menswear enthusiast is a unique journey, filled with quirks, obsessions, and, at times, even frustrations.

In this exploration of both the highs and lows of this passion, we've ventured through the exhilarating boost in confidence that sharp dressing provides and the camaraderie of an exclusive club that understands the nuances of style.

We've felt the weight of the respect we command, often based solely on our appearance, and experienced the attention it garners, especially from admirers of the opposite sex.

We've reveled in the timeless nature of classic menswear, knowing that our attire won't be rendered obsolete by fleeting trends.

On the flip side, we've delved into the addictive nature of this pursuit, the struggle for closet space in the midst of a growing collection, and the amusing dance of hiding new acquisitions from loved ones.

We've chuckled at the realization that we sometimes take longer to get ready than our spouses and grappled with the curse of noticing every fashion misstep around us.

But despite these peculiar challenges, the love for menswear remains unshaken. It's a passion that transcends mere clothing; it's an art form, an identity, and a source of unyielding confidence.

The highs far outweigh the lows, making this journey one that most menswear enthusiasts wouldn't trade for anything.

It's a world where style is a language, and every outfit tells a story, making the pursuit of sartorial excellence a truly rewarding endeavor.

